Friday, October 26, 2007

New site

I have moved my entries, links and blogroll from this blog over to WordPress. I really like the design and options, and the system is super easy.

If you have me linked on your site, please change the address to:


Monday, October 22, 2007

We had a nice weekend! Saturday 4 friends came over for dinner, which was fun. I made vegetarian sushi roll, vegetable and tofu tempura, spicy eggplant noodles and bought sesame buns from the Asian market for dessert. The wine flowed and we had a great time. Sunday morning though, I was really, really sick. A virus of some sort invaded and took me over and it was, by far, one of the most unpleasant experiences. Ever. 'Nuff said.

So today I'm chilling out, checking out various websites and blogs. I came across a few via-via some blogs I read regularly and suggest you take a look. Vietnamese God
Beautiful pics! And linked from Baby Ella is Provide-N-Ce, a wonderful non-profit worthy of attention.

The topic of ethics in adoption is always a hot button, and the past few days have been no exception. The last 2 posts on Voices for Vietnam Adoption Integrity have stirred up alot of emotions. It's something that all adoptive parents need to be realistic about and not pretend everything is rosey across the board. Saying that, I feel it's equally important to recognize that there are outstanding agencies who are dedicated to Viet Nam- not just in the area of adoption. One of the reasons we chose ours is because they support centers in the provinces where they operate that encourage and assist single, poor mothers and expectant mothers not to relinquish their children and to help them find the resources to be independant and self sustaining. Biggest lesson learned: Feel confident in your agency with your whole heart and mind. Choosing an agency is, by far, one of the most gut-wrenching decisions in this whole experience, but certainly the most important.

And on that's a shot of Utrecht:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


We received 2 beautiful drawings from Hans' niece and nephew to congratulate us on finishing our paperwork. His sister has been explaining to them what adoption is, but I think they are just excited about a new baby :) That's me in the doorway holding a baby bottle, Hans outside and a stork carrying a baby above us! How cute is that?? They (and their little sister) are the sweetest children on the planet.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I got an email from the program coordinator at our agency to confirm our docs are okay. She said that as of the 12th of October, we are officially waiting for a referral! It's early but I'm going to wake Hans up and tell him :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Life after paperwork

This is the first weekend in ages that I was totally focused on my work and not obsessing on what paper needed to be organized, stamped, authenticated or shipped out. I think we are both feeling a weight off of our shoulders! The agency got our documents and everything looks good. Happy, happy! This was my third Monday free since starting my new 4 day work week that I actually spent it in my studio. The past two have been at the Vietnamese Embassy.

I managed to bind 2 books this weekend and make some other cute things. I've sold quite a bit the past few weeks as well as some custom work, so that's been great. The latest things can be seen here :)

Yesterday we took a drive to Bloemendaal aan zee and walked along the beach for a few hours. It was a gorgeous day!

Friday, October 12, 2007

: )

Thank you for the nice comments and emails about our paperwork. Every scrap is officially on it's way to our agency. And as far as CIS goes: It's hard to believe that waiting for a letter could cause so much stress! I am thankful that my amazing husband is a bit more rational than me. Here's a hint as to where my head is:

I'm obsessively tracking our dossier documents traveling across the ocean; which as of last night were at JFK in NY.

uw referentie

10 okt 2007

getekend door

11 okt 2007
New York Jfk Airport
Onforwarded For Delivery
11 okt 2007
New York Jfk Airport
Consignment Received At Transit Point
11 okt 2007
Liege Euro Hub
Consignment Received At Transit Point
10 okt 2007
Shipped From Originating Depot
10 okt 2007
Consignment Received At Transit Point

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


We have our CIS letter!!!!
Hans sent everything else to our agency this morning, it should be there by Friday. The last step is getting this letter authenticated. By this time next week, every scrap of paper should be out of our hands and our dossier completed. Yay!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Usual suspects

We. Are. Done.

We are fedexing everything to our agency tomorrow! Yay!!! Everything with the exception of our CIS letter. I am calling them tomorrow to see what the deal is. The weight of this paper will be gone by week's end for sure :) Don't these passport photos just scream 'Happy'?

After we checked and rechecked that everything was signed and in order, we looked at the neat little pile of documents (and 6-10 photos of the Happy Couple). It's hard to believe it's all come down to this. A pile of paper proving we work, are married, not criminals, are healthy and would be 'good parents'. It will be, without exception, the most wonderful thing we ever do together, but at the same time it's a bit strange. Here we are - stamped, approved and authenticated....

Monday, October 8, 2007

I feel like we've been here before. Oh right, last week.

Our final Dutch document has been checked, stamped and authenticated. Tonight we pull together 6-10 photos of the 'Happy Couple' with captions, give all of our papers the once over and fedex them to the agency. They will be morphed with our other docs already there, and we can finally think about our lives not revolving around paperwork! We are, however, still waiting for our letter from CIS. Of course. Suposedly it was to be mailed from Germany on Friday, so it should be in our mailbox by tomorrow or Wednesday...It's hard to believe we are about a week away from our dossier being completely done!

Monday, October 1, 2007


Today was spent in Den Haag (The Hague) getting Dutch documents authenticated: Hans' declaration that he owns his business, our legal marriage certificate and our Dutch police checks. First we went to the Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) where 2 were stamped but one was not: Hans' business declaration because....the signature of the accountant was not properly notarized (which Hans had asked about 3 times and was told it wasn't neccessary grrrrr). Anyway, over to the Vietnamese Embassy to have the other two authenticated, which was a snap.

Kerry in front of the Vietnamese Embassy :)

We are sooooo stamped

As I type, Hans is meeting the accountant to have his signature stamped. Since he's going to London tomorrow for the rest of the week for a conference, we will venture back to Den Haag next Monday to visit the MvBZ and Embassy again. The good news is that we can just about see the end of this paperchasing! Still waiting for our CIS letters of course.

Something else we have decided is that when we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl, we will be keeping it a secret until we pick him/her up. We will tell people approximately how old the baby will be, but details like our referral photo, gender and name we pick will be hush. We want it to be a surprise! Hans is not so sure I can do it, and even though it will be reeeeeaaally hard, I can be strong.
Amazing young girl- Ana Dodson. Look what she's done!!