Saturday, July 21, 2007

Travel time

It's a lovely morning. The weather is like early fall and the sky is gorgeous blue. I am obsessing on the current Vietnam update we received from our agency. The wait from dossier submission to a match with our baby remains at 6 months, which is fine. The time between acceptance of our baby and travel to pick him/her up is between 4-5 months. This amount of time to wait is to ensure that procedures for the final adoption are followed and to avoid any unethical behavior. We are happy with our agency and want nothing more than an ethical adoption, but I am feeling incredibly conflicted right now. Accept our baby and then wait 5 months seems excruciating.


S. said...

Just found your blog...looking forward to following!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for linking! I'll add you to my blogroll and am excited to follow your adoption journey. And yeah, 5 months is excruciating.

Kerry said...

Thanks! And congrats on your venture for number two!!! How wonderful.

S. said...

saw your question on VVAI...Nicki is on vacation I think so may not get back to you, but read the post on there about hard vs. soft referrals--the timing of the referral has a lot to do with how long the wait is from referral to travel. Also some provinces for whatever reason are just much slower than others.

Kerry said...

Thanks, S! I will definately check out the post you reccommended.